Tuesday, September 30, 2008

6 a.m.

6 a.m. and I are not friends. It's not that we're bitter enemies. There have been times when I can tolerate her, like in the summertime when she's bright and warm and welcoming. Even then I don't LOVE her, but I can stand the sight of her face. I hate her most in the early fall...like now. She's dark and dreary and forces me to stay in bed until the friendlier 7 a.m. comes around and she makes me late for work. I'm particularly mad at her this morning...mostly because I'm BFFs with 1 a.m. and those two just don't get along. I've tried to be a nice mediator between the two, but I always end up siding with 1 a.m. He's just so much more fun. He "gets" me and we jive so much better than me and 6 a.m. I know that 6 a.m. is probably going to be a better friend to me in the long run, and I'm definitely trying to limit the time I spend with 1 a.m. But, it's not easy to give up such a good friend. Maybe I'll just have to give it a few more weeks until 6 a.m. gets nicer again...she's so moody!!! What about you? What time do you hate? Love?


Anonymous said...

How about this....Go to bed earlier. :) I don't think 6:00 a.m. makes you late for work. You're funny.

Amy said...

nee nee - I am with you girl. It's too bad 1am and 6am are always in a fight. They are both SO dramatic. Why can't a girl have it all?

Buschfest said...

I think the more interesting blog would be details on what you and 1 am were up to?! :) I despise 1 am, as it typically means a crying kid waking me from blissful sleep. I also hat 6 am, since that is about the time we have to wake the little beasts to get ready for school. My favorite time...I will get back to you on that! :)

Tamara said...

I'm so with you on this!!!

deek said...

I think that eventually 1am sucks AND 6am sucks. That will be the day right.

courtney said...

very nicely put. mostly right now i hate 2pm when it's at work and i want a nap. but 2pm on the couch at home = perfect.

Brecken said...

LOL!!!!! I love you, what a fabulous wit. I am completely the reverse of you, the only way I'd be bff's with 1am is if he had a regular supplier of diet coke. love you.

Mary said...

I think you and I might be seeing the same guy. 1am and I both "get" each other. I haven't seen 6am in months. I don't even remember what she looks like. Then again, I don't see 1am that often either. I think my husband is jealous of him. He always wants us to go to bed with 10 or 11. That's kind of kinky, eh? ;)

cheyney webb said...

Oh, how I love you. Too bad you don't live 5 minutes away from work like in L.A. No one should be made to see 6 a.m. She is a beast.

Jen said...

I am so with you! I have 6 am... I average about 5 hours of sleep every night. It is exhausting, but when you have to fit in as much fun as I have, you have to sacrifice something and that is sleep for me.

BigEd said...

I'm with you. 6am is an ungodly hour. As you know, I am currently being faced with a yacking toddler at this hour and wish he would can it until 7am. Only morning people will tell you to go to bed earlier, I can go to bed at 8pm and still hate getting up at 6am.

Niles said...

6 am hangs out with my kids. They're bff's. Personally, I don't know what they see in her. The three of them crawl into my bed every morning and whine until I give them chocolate milk and cartoons. I only put up with her because compared to her ugly step-sister, 5am, she looks like Marissa freakin' Miller. Why can't both of those skanks be more like 7:30pm? That guy is a prince. He reads the kids stories, cuddles with them, tucks them into bed with their Blankey Bear; and they treat him like a total doormat. And you know they are never going to see him in his true light, because as soon as they are over 6am, they're going to be all: "Hey, Dad, can 10pm come over for a slumber party?" And that dude is bad news.

Brecken said...

I would just like to say....you have an amazing, amazing memory. I loved that leotard. We were totally hot! the routine on the other hand probably could've used some work.

Brittany said...

You make me laugh! Personally I use to hate 6 am, but have been forced to like it... due to my kiddos! Such is life! However I'm a night owl at heart! Love you! Will I see you in Colorado at Christmas? hope I will!