Wednesday, April 16, 2008

portland is a fickle little h

She's a tease...and I don't like a tease!! This weekend brought us GORGEOUS weather. It was in the 80s, sunny, beautiful, trees are in bloom, the air smelled sweet, it was DRY. I spent the day outside participating in the usual summer activities: soccer practice in the morning, washing my car in the afternoon. I got a little sweaty and my skin is beginning to lose the Boo Radley look it's taken on. It was delightful. I was ready to put away my winter coats and pack up the sweaters.

And then...Monday rolled around. I am not typically a hater of Mondays. It is certainly not my favorite day of the week, but I've never had a "case of the Mondays" as they say. Well, maybe I have...but the day isn't inherently bad...except this week. Monday came, and with it came the FREEZING COLD, rain, clouds, sweaters and coats. I'm all for winter...don't get me wrong. I wasn't at all bothered by the Northwest winter with the rain and cold. I like my winter clothes, I like to get bundled, I like winter sports, and I like how winter gives you an appreciation for spring and summer. BUT, like I said, I DON'T like a tease. Don't give me one weekend of wonderfully warm weather and then snatch it away and give me bitter cold and rain. Perhaps I was spoiled by the constant 70 degree weather and gradual temperature changes of Southern California. Those 4 years made me forget that spring is fickle...but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

Even my winter coat is rebelling. I lost TWO buttons on the coat yesterday...TWO!! It's as if my coat is saying, "I've had enough! I'm done! I'll button no longer!" (In a strange coincidence, I also lost a button on my shirt yesterday...perhaps this post should be about the work-out plan I'll soon be initiating rather than how I wish it would warm up?)

At any rate...spring, come back, I'm not mad...I promise!


Shaun R. said...

Maybe this should be a post about how you should move back to LA.

ginny said...

Don't listen to Shaun. We had downright HOT weather in LA over the weekend, only to wake up to a blah grey sky on Monday. But then it burned off as usual right about lunchtime.

Hooray for new posts!

Ryan said...

I'm ok with it being a bit cooler in Raleigh right now. When the summer hits, it hits hard with the humidity and such. Up there you must get a ton of light in the summer like Alaska. The sun will come out tomorrow Renee bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, they'll be sun.

Brittany said...

Renee I love you! It's so fun to read your blog and get a fresh dose of you often! Just wait the fabulous weather will come... I especially love love Oregon in the summer! It's the best and I miss it so much. I'd much rather be there than here in boiling hot Las Vegas! Love ya!

cheyney webb said...

Raleigh teased us like that for a while. Warm, Cold, Warm, Cold. I love packing up the winter clothes and bringing out the capris and t-shirts.

Buschfest said...

This cannot be the same Renee that grew up in Colorado!!! This is what Spring is all about. Oh no, I think we have officially lost the Colorado in you! When are you coming to town? Your mom was hoping for Memorial day...please say it is so!

Brecken said...

you crack me up!.. Boo Radley! Guess who found me on facebook?! Missy Crews! Are you going to be in town anytime this summer? We should get together for lunch.

Brecken said...

do you think I put enough exclamation points in that blog comment?...if not...!!!!!!!!!!!

courtney said...

we had the same game here this week and last--annoying. it reminds me of the last few weeks of winter semester in provo. every year it would start to get sunny...the parking lot snowpiles would begin to melt, byu girls would wear their horrible capris to class, uvsc girls would sunbathe in their tankini's on their front lawns, and you'd breathe a sigh of relief and think to yourself, "yes! i made it!" until the week before finals when it all went to crap. man, i hated that. never again!

Evan said...

Maybe I'm dumb (likely), but what is an "h"? Portland is a fickle little hamlet, hussie, ho, hippie town?

Kim, Byron H & M said...

I'm so glad someone mentioned the Boo Radley comment--I thought it was the best part of your blog ever, until the button comments came. You are FUNNY!!!